What is the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Glosary

Tips / What is the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com?

Wordpress.com vs WordPress.org

I’ve often noticed that people confuse WordPress.com and WordPress.org, and it’s understandable given their similar names. That’s why I decided to clarify the differences between the two. Let’s start from the beginning:

What is WordPress

WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) designed to build websites. It is an open-source project, meaning the software is free, and its source code can be edited. It is supported by the open-source community, consisting of thousands of volunteers who have helped it become what it is today.
WordPress is the most widely used CMS, powering more than 40% of all websites (https://w3techs.com/technologies/overview/content_management).

What is WordPress.org?

WordPress.org is where you can download the open-source software to install and use WordPress on your own hosting. Anyone can download and use it as needed. However, to use it, you must obtain a domain name and a hosting service. WordPress.org is supported by the nonprofit organization, the WordPress Foundation.

What is WordPress.com?

On the other hand, WordPress.com is a hosted implementation of WordPress. It hosts websites and manages everything for the user, offering slightly less flexibility than self-hosting. WordPress.com is owned by Automattic.

Advantages and disadvantages

Data privacy+ You have the flexibility to choose where your host server will be located, depending on the domain name and hosting provider you select.= Your data is hosted on servers managed by WordPress.com, which is important to consider for compliance with data privacy regulations such as GDPR.
Scalability+ You can customize your website as much as you need. As an open-source platform, you can even modify the code.– Your website can grow depending on the plan selected, using the resources available on the platform as they are.
Complexity– If you lack experience and are uncomfortable with the configuration process, you might need to hire technical support.+ The platform is ready to use out-of-the-box.
= For advanced features, technical support can also be hired in both cases.
Monetization+ You can monetize your website in any way you choose.– There are specific criteria under which you can monetize your website depending on the plan selected.
Technical requirements– No matter how simple your project, you must obtain a domain name and hosting service to install and implement your website.+ For small projects, you can host your website for free on WordPress.com and use one of their subdomains. There are certain restrictions, but this option can be sufficient for small projects, such as starting a blog and evaluating the platform.


WordPress.com is an excellent option for gaining experience as a blogger or familiarizing yourself with WordPress. However, if you want to fully customize your website, implement advanced functionalities, and monetize your site, WordPress.org is the better choice.

It’s worth noting that with WordPress.org, you can obtain a domain name, a hosting service, and maintain full control of your website for approximately the same cost as a business plan with WordPress.com, which still has certain limitations.