What does Responsive Technology mean?

von | Aug. 8, 2022 | Uncategorized

Tipps What does Responsive Technology mean?

responsive websites

A Responsive Website is such that it adapts to different devices, so that its content adjust based on the size of the screen used by the visitor. Considering nowadays that smartphones and tablets are used even more, this represents an advantage for your business. A Responsive design means that your Website will serves all devices with the same code and it adjusts automatically according the screen size.

Advantages of using a responsive web design

Load Time

Load time is low, since it doesn’t require redirection to different device-optimized version of each page.

Easier to read

Your visitors will get access to your website from different devices easier, since it is the same URL and the same content regardless the devices size.

Maintenance Time

Requires less time to maintain, since there is not multiple pages for the same content.


This quality will help different Search Engine to assign indexing properties to the page considering it is the same option for both desktop and mobile pages.