Adriana Liendo

Adriana Liendo

8 Tips to improve SEO

8 Tips to improve SEO

If you have your own website, you certainly would like to get as many visitors as possible, so now I want to introduce you 8 tips that will help you by improving your SEO. You have probably heard something about SEO, but do you know what it is? Table of Content What...

Which Password Manager can I use?

Which Password Manager can I use?

Have you realized how many passwords we have nowadays? One for each bank account, one for each social network, one for each email account and who knows how many other services. In some cases, we reuse the user account information, which isn’t very secure, but still...

What does Responsive Technology mean?

What does Responsive Technology mean?

A Responsive Website is such that it adapts to different devices, so that its content adjust based on the size of the screen used by the visitor. Considering nowadays that smartphones and tablets are used even more, this represents an advantage for your business. A...